Friday, April 22, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Last night at 11:14PM, traveling at 581 MPH I turned and asked Elder Gay, Did you feel that? He responded, Feel what? I said we just entered the airspace of The Great Florida Ft. Lauderdale Mission. Doesn't it feel great?!

Dorothy of "OZ" fame said it best. "There no place like home." I've come to understand as never before that "home" is where the heart is and my heart is in South Florida. I'm home!

Thank you! Every one of you, from the depths of my soul for your kind notes, visits, calls, text messages, emails; and above all for your great faith and mighty prayers in my behalf. They have been felt in a very real and tangible way. I express my love and heartfelt appreciation to all of you. I have felt and continue to witness the fulfillment of priesthood blessings. Each day I've asked myself the same question that we've asked our missionaries to ask themselves, "How have I seen the hand of God in my life today?" I have seen His hand, I have felt his constant and powerful influence. I know He lives!

I fully anticipate a complete, accelerated and full recovery. I have experienced a modern-day miracle. May the Lord's choicest blessings be yours today and always.


President Hale