Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mission Conference; June 2010

Mission Conference Theme: Do they see Him in You?
Have ye received His image in your countenances? Alma 5: 14, 19
Concluding Dinner & Testimony Meeting
Mission Presidency: (L-R) President and Sister Lake,
President and Sister Hale and President Acevedo.
We are the face of the Savior in South Florida.

The mosiac is comprised of literally hundreds and hundreds of
photos of the missionaries of the great Ft. Lauderdale Mission.

We have received His image in our countenances!

Chest of Wonders at long last discovered!

Chest of Wonders opened by turning ALL keys!

Here's the final clue ...

Gathering for the play, seated strategically - Establishing a pattern of Success!
Discovering yet another clue on the "Key Board."

Whose your Oracle?

This group's was President Hale. See the resemblance?

Lunch time!

Lean on Me!

Building Trust!

Working together in Perfect Harmony.

Lean on Me!

Working Together as One.
Passing along a Testimony to others.

Pass it on!

Communication is the Key!
Do they see Him in You Elders?
Elders Carpenter, Hansen, Holland & MacDonald
Finishing up Lunch ... Feels so good!

Team Leader! "Elder" Cameron Hale

President Lake and Elder Porter
Preparing to go Fishing

Lake Welch

Obtaining Keys

Fishers of Men!

Realizing your Destiny.

Setting Goals ...

and Achieving them!

Working together to grow the Kingdom.

Welcome to the Conference ...

How does the story Roger Bannister & his breaking the
barrier the four-minute mile relate to us?

We do what was once thought Impossible!

We CAN do it!

Elder & Sister Porter; Welcome to the Mission
Arriving just hours before the conference ...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010